Europeana Newspapers

El LIBER informa que s’ha publicat la 1a Newsletter del projecte Europeana Newspapers. Hi trobareu: 

  • Un resum dels resultats dels prmers 8 mesos del projecte,
  • Una entrevista amb Lily Knibbeler, Head of the Marketing & Services of the National Library of the Netherlands
Una ‘video note’ de Dr. Paul Ayris, Director of University College of London Library Services i President del LIBER.

El projecte treballa elements innovadors com ara: 
use of refinement methods for OCR, OLR/article segmentation, and named entity recognition (NER), and page class recognition to enhance search and presentation  Functionalities for Europeana customers, quality evaluation for automatic refinement technologies, transformation of local metadata to the Europeana Data Model (EDM) metadata standardization in close collaboration with stakeholders from the public and private sector.

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