University libraries: 10 global portraits

El "The Guardian" publica un interessant reportatge on els directors de 10 grans biblioteques universitàries d’arreu del món expressen els seus pensaments sobre les biblioteques, el seu futur i el seu paper en l’educació superior.  Hi trobareu:

  • America: New York University library. “Well-designed space is one of the most important services an academic library can offer”, says dean of library Carol Mandel
  •  UK: University of Manchester library. “The library is not being used less, it's just user needs that are changing”, says university librarian Janet Wilkinson
  • Japan: Hachioji library, Tama Art University. “A university library designed by a world-leading architect inspires and challenges in equal measure”, says library head Hidemi Kondo
  •  Nigeria: American University of Nigeria library. “Open access and libraries centred around online learning and research are key in developing countries”, says library director Amed Demirhan
  •  UK: Bodleian library, University of Oxford. “We need to shape the skills of library staff to meet user needs while maintaining specialist knowledge”, says interim Bodley's librarian Richard Ovenden
  •  Australia: Queensland University of Technology library. “With 97% of its research downloads from outside Australia, the library's open access expertise is invaluable”, says library director Judy Stokker
  •  Singapore: Nanyang Technological University library. “Finding information is not the problema– libraries are now taking the lead on how to communicate it”, says university librarian Choy Fatt Cheong
  •  Brazil: Unicamp library System. “The academic library must go where the user is and provide access to the latest tecnologies”, says library coordinator Luiz Atilio Vicentini
  • Canada: Harris Learning library, Nipissing University. “Traditional research methods are still in high demand and library staff continue to play a vital role”, says director of library services Nancy Black
  •  Italy: European University Institute library. “Libraries small and large will benefit from collaboration to sustain learning and exchange knowledge”, says deputy library director Tommaso Giordano
The Guardian anima a exposar-hi opinions i a fer comentaris a Twiter fent servir el hashtag #libraryfutures, diuen. “Help us document the university library of the 21st century by sharing your photos on GuardianWitness” (una oportunitat, doncs, de difondre la feina feta des de les vostres biblioteques).

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